Start Begin


Just Imagine, Duncan Whiteman exhibition Experience of Time 2024
Just Imagine, Duncan Whiteman exhibition Experience of Time 2024
Remember and Reimagine

Some people say that it's harder to make friends when you get older. I have to disagree. I think it is harder for some to be open and act on making new friends because of former friendships that are no more, and whatever baggage they may be holding onto from them not working out. Those experiences can make us wary, distrusting, and closed off from the possibility.

I think we've all had friendships that have greatly challenged us in some way (if you haven't, then you either haven't ever really put yourself out there or are incredibly lucky), but the opportunity to make new friends is ever present in our lives, you only have to reach out and hold another's hand to see if they will hold yours back. This can be a frightening position to put oneself into if the other person doesn't want to, they hold on too loosely or tightly, if it feels or results in good or bad. You get what you give. How willing are you to put yourself out there? Exploring any kind of new relationship requires vulnerability and courage - letting someone know us, gettign to know them, letting ech other see and be a part of our own little universes.

When we were children, we made new friends with relative ease, and I think remembering this, and how we all once were back then, is the key. Just imagine...

... what having an open heart, living in wonder, and keeping an open mind can lead to.

I made some new friends this year. One of them I met online on Facebook. Sculptor and painter Duncan Whiteman. He and I met in the comment section of a post shared in a group, and this new friendship has been magic. A flurry of text message exchanges ensued, sharing thoughts, feelings and beliefs about art and other ideas. I became keenly interested to see his artistic endeavors in person after he came to my Autumnal Equinox Open Studio exhibition a few months ago in September, and was pleased to learn he would be having an exhibition later in the year. So, last evening, I went to my new friend's exhibition at Malvin Gallery, a contemporary art gallery in the center of Madrid, to see his exhibition Experience of Time.

I found his paintings and sculptures quite compelling, prompting many thoughts and feelings. The movement, the colors, the playful energy... they are vivid, visceral, and intellectually stimulating.

Momentos from Duncan Whiteman's exhibition, Experience of Time.

Experience of Time - Duncan Whiteman exhibition Madrid 2024
Experience of Time - Duncan Whiteman exhibition Madrid 2024

After the gallery closed at eight o'clock, Duncan and I wandered over to Calle de Atocha to speak further over a bite to eat. Before I knew it, three hours had gone by and it was the eleventh hour. Throughout the course of our conversation, a line from a poem I composed in 2014 kept coming to mind. So, today, in a drawer, filled with ten years of life, I dug out the printed copy of it so I could revisit, type it in here and share it with you.

Start Begin

Live life in wonder!

Live life as play!

Could start tomorrow

but it's better to today.

Why waste a minute, hour, day, a month, a year?

Start this very moment

being childlike to be clear.

Anthing can happen!


Perceive anew...

With no expectations of others

in pursuing those pursuits.

There are endless possibilities

when hopes and dreams are king.

They inspire laughter, happiness, a blissful joy

when playful wonderment begins!

Experiencing Time

Time and timing are interesting. As you know, I have been exploring the concept of time for a while now.

Does it exist? Is it actually real? How do we measure it?

Roughly ten years ago, I was already planning my move to Madrid, Spain. And for the past year, moving again has been on my mind. Although, this time with absolute uncertainty about when it would happen and to where. Just in the past three weeks, the when and where have been decided, and the plan is in motion.

A few weeks into the new year, I will be moving with my partner to London to pursue new opportunities and experiences.

I already miss the sun, the unbearable summer heat, these familiar streets, the friends living here. I am already excited for what will come and being on the same land mass, in the same city, as my friends and acquaintances already living there. To begin a whole new year in a new place and meeting new people.

My flat is in a state of organized chaos, with bags, boxes, and possessions scattered all about into piles of 'staying', 'going', 'undecided'. I keep opening my studio door and then closing it. I have managed to recycle and pull some things out of that room, but not very much, yet. The moment of making some really challenging decisions as to what and how are looming while I systematically sort and organize nearly a decade of my Spanish life. An artist's life requires space, materials, holding onto things for who knows how long, until they are incorporated or transformed into art. And now I have to decide what random objects I have collected are going to make the journey with me. Aiii!

Other Thoughts and News

I must begin first with an apology to those of you who are interested in my thoughts and may have been wondering what the hell happened when the diary entries stopped appearing in your email inbox and on social media platforms. October and November were incredibly busy and intense with lots of travel. I didn't have the energy or brain power to stay on top of writing my diary every week while on road trips to Barcelona to be with family, and the Netherlands to visit friends and attend a music festival. I'm sorry. I'm going to try and be on top of it these next few weeks through the move, but it's possible, I might miss an entry or two until all that is stabilized. Please bear with me. 

I'm rather pleased with how this year is concluding in regards to art. One of my sculptures shared at the exhibition in September has found a new home. I'll talk more about that in a future diary entry. And one of my ceramic pieces shown in a previous exhibition, the light-holding lantern Inner Peace, will be going to its new home in Ireland soon. I am delivering it myself in a couple of weeks when I go over for Christmas holidays. I couldn't be happier about who will be its caretaker, but it is hard to let this one go!

Speaking of art sales, here is a shameless plug for those who are looking for a gift to give to a loved one or oneself, I have ceramic art that are seeking new homes. If you are in Madrid (or elsewhere), now is the time to acquire one of these pieces while they are priced in euros. Living in a different country with a very different economy, the number will stay the same, but the currency will change to GBP in February. You can see what I have currently available and am willing to part with here and here ... you may contact me here to inquire about prices if the price is not listed.

For those who came to my Autumnal Equinox Open Studio exhibition and have had lingering thoughts of one you experienced at it and would like to take home, email me or use the contact form and let's discuss!

Lastly, I had said that I would be putting up an online exhibition in October and November, and that has not happened. With all the travel and the pending move, I haven't been able to work on and bring it to readiness to my satisfaction. It's 90% nearly finished, but I need to prioritize the relocation and getting settled once there. With that said, I am going to do my best to finish off that final 10% that needs done. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!

(As usual, if you would like to talk more about something I have shared in this entry or just want to say "hello", you can email me at [at]

Inner Peace

wheel-thrown, carved and painted by hand, glazed and gilded
22 x 12cm unique piece, Heartwork Series

A friend has been telling me for ages to write a book, a memoir, of all my wild past-life experiences. Maybe I'll write a book about my life when I'm older, maybe around 80 (if I am blessed to live that long). I've decided to keep this diary instead.

Your subscription will also include updates about upcoming exhibitions, new artworks and artworks for sale.

For those of you who know me and how I feel about data privacy, yours will never be shared with anyone.